February 2010 Archives by thread
Starting: Mon Feb 1 11:05:05 CET 2010
Ending: Sat Feb 27 23:08:02 CET 2010
Messages: 183
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4075] Calendar: two dimap accounts(A, B): Invitation from A to B cannot be answered.
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4076] Mail: search for whole message cannot handle umlauts(rt#5979)
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4077] descriptions of the different spellchecking dictionaries are confusion(rt#5981)
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] Question about the kolab storage format: Tag revision.
Thomas McGuire
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4078] Webclient: Completion of Email Adresses inconvinient
Sascha Wilde
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4079] Webclient: Completion does not use all configured address books
Sascha Wilde
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4080] DIMP: Mails can not be copied to other folders
Sascha Wilde
- [Kolab-devel] wilde: server release-notes.txt, 1.398.2.104, 1.398.2.105
Mathieu Parent
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4081] Use of many kmail subwindows can lead to crash (KMFolder::open)(rt#5854)
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4082] Wish: Search results in the mail list should have a folder column(rt#5985)
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4083] Wish: The composer of a forwared mail (as attachment) should display the original mail(rt#5986)
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4084] Overwriting of an address in the To/CC/BCC field of a composer doesnt work with "Paste" of a copied address (rt#5988)
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] Brain Dump of the $ARBITRARY_TIME_SPAN -- heading for HEAD...
Sascha Wilde
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4085] Wish: Mail attachments only in the header of a mail(rt#5987)
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4086] Wish: Save encrypted mail decrypted as mbox file(rt#5984)
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4087] Composer: Deletion of one address with pressed backspace jumps to the address field above and continues to delete. (rt#5989)
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4088] Wish: mail list sorting of a new folder should be configurable(rt#5990)
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4089] Composer: double click on a word should select the word and not additional spaces, brackets etc.(rt#5991)
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4090] Wish:Mail: Double click on mail in search dialog should open the mail in a window(rt#5992)
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4091] Wish mail count of the mail icon in the system tray should only count the "new" messages.(rt#5994)
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] Separating sources from OpenPKG packaging
Thomas Arendsen Hein
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4092] New Certificate Wizard: no Cetificate Usage when [x] show all details
Marc Mutz
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4093] In "enterprise" mail header CC and BCC addresses are displayed under the TO field (rt#5996)
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4094] Scrollbar position changes, if a new mail is synced into the folder.(rt#5997)
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4095] Wish: Multiselection of events to delete, move or copy(rt#5998)
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4096] User with write access to a calendar folder should be able to change the events (even if he isnot the organizer)(rt#5999)
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4097] Wish for an option: reply should always quote the whole mail.(rt#5995)
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4098] Cannot import "archived" mails into local folders
Thomas Ribbrock
- [Kolab-devel] Postfix installation error FreeBSD 8.0
Sönke Ebert
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4099] Infinite loop when no smartcard reader is attached
Marc Mutz
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4100] Wish: It should be possible to change the resource column size in the side-by-side view (rt#6001)
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4101] edit or copy/move/paste of an event with recurrence should ask how to handle recurrence(rt#6002)
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4102] Wish: type of attendee of an event should be displayed in the small event pane(rt#6004)
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4103] Wish: It should be possible to minimize a creation/edit dialog of an event
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4104] accept invitations without activated calendar resource (rt#6007)
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] Kolab-2.2.3 filters
Thomas Spuhler
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4105] Three warning dialogs appears, if I try to create an event and have deactivated the Task resources.
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4106] Not possible to create an event or task, if all resources are deactivated(rt#6008)
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4107] In workweek mode clicking on the month pane week number selects whole week. (rt#6013)
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4108] Reminder option "remind me later" should work even if I closed the session (rt#6016)
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] Search: Invalid DN syntax function.ldap-search
Gunnar Wrobel
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4109] Task with recurrence: Startime not saved (rt#6019)
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4110] Task with recurrence: due of a selected task in calendar doesn't match the right date.(rt#6020)
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4111] Side-by-side view: Horizontal Scrollbar is always displayed, even when there is enough space. (rt#6014)
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4112] Event/Task conflict dialog is too difficult. (rt#6009)
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4113] Parallel events in the agenda view: last changed events always on the right side (rt#6011)
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4114] Kleopatra: S/MIME encrypted pem file was detected as attached signature file
Emanuel Schuetze
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4115] Monthview: multi day events are displayed with leaps (rt#6015)
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4116] Wish: calendar selection with shift and mouse.(rt#6012)
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4117] Reminder: Preselected "remind me later" time should always be 5 mins.(rt#6017)
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4118] Wish: next/previous week buttons in the small month pane(rt#6024)
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4119] Enter a distribution list as attendee into an event, should expand the members of the dist list into the attendee field (rt#6027)
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4120] Wish: Sharing a calendar folder from the calendar part(rt#6028)
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] Brain dump of the week: Horde roadmap
Gunnar Wrobel
- [Kolab-devel] z-push: problematic license
Sascha Wilde
- [Kolab-devel] wilde: server/imapd/patches/cyrus-imapd-2.3.16 cyrus-imapd-cross-domain-acls.patch, NONE, 1.1
Richard Bos
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4121] Decrypt an unencrypted file shows 'assertion failed' error
Emanuel Schuetze
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4122] New Certificate - Advanced Settings: Tab 'Technical Details' should be in front of 'Personal Details'
Emanuel Schuetze
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4123] Kleopatra's progress bar doesn't show progress
Emanuel Schuetze
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4124] SmartCard: Click on toggled Kleopatra-SmartCard-Icon in SystemTray should run LearnCard command
Emanuel Schuetze
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4125] Event with recurrence: Changing attendee of one event, changes it for every event.(rt#6029)
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4126] SmartCard: Learn card command shows gpgsm error dialogs
Emanuel Schuetze
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4127] New certificate: Disabling certificate usage 'signing' doesn't work
Emanuel Schuetze
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4128] side-by-side view: scrollbar slider too small.
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] Future of the Webclient: lets take a modest approach, dropping IMP and MIMP
Sascha Wilde
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4129] Add Key-ID to certificate details
Emanuel Schuetze
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4130] Make Kleopatra's columns configurable
Emanuel Schuetze
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4131] Kleopatra keylisting is too slow
Marc Mutz
- [Kolab-devel] Good article that shows that calendaring and synchronization are important functions for a business
Richard Bos
- [Kolab-devel] Introductions
Georg C. F. Greve
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4132] pinentry-qt4: implement confirm yes/no/cancel
Marc Mutz
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4133] New Certificate Wizard: Show warning if required text fields not valid
Emanuel Schuetze
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4134] SetInitialPinDialog: cancel pinentry -> dialog thinks it succeeded
Marc Mutz
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4135] SetInitialPinDialog: widgets not properly disabled while pinentry is up
Marc Mutz
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4136] Add Power-User-Mode with config option
Emanuel Schuetze
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4137] Kleopatra freezed if run GpgEX via sign/encrypt-file-open-dialog
Emanuel Schuetze
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4138] After Set Initial PIN: card status isn't updated
Marc Mutz
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4139] Show Card Serial-No. in Details and Tooltip.
Marc Mutz
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4140] Show fake entry for non-available CAs in the main window, and group subjects under it
Marc Mutz
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4141] Implement revoke key/uid/signature/subkey; create revocation certificate
Marc Mutz
- [Kolab-devel] Kolab Server 2.3 Goals
Sascha Wilde
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4142] Composer: view all fields layout and small problems(rt#6032)
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4143] Calendar: Changing Workweek to day. (rt#6034)
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4144] Calendar: event with recurrence yearly : broken translation
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4145] Calendar: month view/agenda view inconsistence with events with recurrence.
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4146] Calendar: Events with recurrence : delete all future recurrence.
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4147] Event/Task conflict dialog "Take Both" should be default(rt#6009)
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4148] New event, attendee dialog: entry with comma format should stay in comma format in the attendee pane. (rt#6035)
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4149] Search Directory Services and comma-formated names(rt#5954)
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4150] Kleopatra crashes if sign/encrypt a file
Emanuel Schuetze
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4151] pinentry-qt4: icon doesn't work with Qt 4.5.3 from Debian Sid.
Marc Mutz
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4152] Turba: Autocompletion sometimes failes
Gunnar Wrobel
- [Kolab-devel] wilde: server/patches/horde-webmail/1.2.0/tg t_Kolab__Server_HK_GW_MappableAttributes.diff, NONE, series,,
Gunnar Wrobel
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4153] EmailValidator: doesn't allow to type a '.' in front of '@'
Marc Mutz
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4154] Add User-ID doesn't take admin restrictions from [CertificateCreationWizard] into account
Marc Mutz
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4155] webadmin shows blank page
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4156] 'No data' trying to decrypt/verify a .p7s file (S/MIME signed-opaque)
Marc Mutz
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4157] No working link in verify result html for emails with IDN domains.
Marc Mutz
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4158] key:// link not workin in verify result html
Marc Mutz
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4159] SignEncryptEMailConflictDialog comes up when OpenPGP is clear choice
Marc Mutz
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4160] SignEncryptEMailConflictDialog should exclude expired certificates from matching
Marc Mutz
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4161] DIMP not selectable in kolab-webclient login with auth driver kolab
Arvid Requate
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4162] Crash when PREP_ENCRYPT, (SIGN, ) ENCRYPT cycle wasn't completed.
Marc Mutz
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4163] Implement checksum uiserver commands in Kleopatra and gpgex.
Marc Mutz
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4164] Recursive sign/encrypt doesn't work on Windows.
Marc Mutz
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4165] kolab-webclient does not show shared/ calendar and contact folders
Arvid Requate
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4166] Crash while navigation between components (rt#6037)
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4167] kolab-webclient patch for resolution of group ACLs on shared folders
Arvid Requate
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4168] task with recurrence are not displayed in the calendar agenda view.
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] Simple connectors for Android and Outlook
David Schmitt
- [Kolab-devel] Poll: Kolab server switching to Mercurial SCM?
Thomas Arendsen Hein
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4169] kolab-webclient sometimes shows a blank page on login
Gunnar Wrobel
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4170] kolab-webclient patch for group ACL dropdown in kronolith
Arvid Requate
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4171] kronolith: personal calendar not selected by default
Arvid Requate
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4172] Kleo crash on startup if Notepad++ is running
Marc Mutz
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4173] ArchiveDefinition: warn if none are present/valid
Marc Mutz
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4174] Patch for imp/dimp login by uid
Arvid Requate
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4175] Check kolabHomeServerOnly values in uppecase
Diego Woitasen
- [Kolab-devel] [issue4176] Adding RSS feed to Horde breaks portal screen
Gavin McCullagh
Last message date:
Sat Feb 27 23:08:02 CET 2010
Archived on: Tue Jul 9 09:39:17 CEST 2013
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