June 2008 Archives by thread
Starting: Sun Jun 1 09:04:19 CEST 2008
Ending: Mon Jun 30 14:17:20 CEST 2008
Messages: 167
- [Kolab-devel] [issue1809] apache-php compilation fails on Solaris 10 Sparc: db4 not found
ComCept Soliva
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2738] horde should allow a setting to suppress groupware folders
Martin Konold
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2739] Some characters are not allowed in users fax-/phonenumbers despite the description in the error
Karl-Heinz Ruskowski
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2740] kleopatra shows an error message, if started and the search is on "In External Certificates"
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] We want to become a mirror for kolab distributions
Thomas Arendsen Hein
- [Kolab-devel] Kolab rc-3 selective recompilation
Benoit Mortier
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2741] Button to do an ldap lookup is missing from the address selection dialog
Bernhard Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2742] Have a default quota value when creating new users via the web interface
Bernhard Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2743] Stop users from sending email when close to reaching their quota
Bernhard Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2744] LDAP results will not be displayed if there is a similiar entry in the contacts
Bernhard Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] Extending Kolab
Gunnar Wrobel
- [Kolab-devel] Sending as an alias of a user that I may impersonate as delegate
Gunnar Wrobel
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2745] php error after sending an update to an event
Thomas Arendsen Hein
- [Kolab-devel] c-client and php annotation patches on debian packages
Mike Gabriel
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2746] Invitation accepted ver late (e.g. after restart)
Bernhard Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2747] Installation fails
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2748] Installation fails
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2749] Installation fails
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2750] Can scroll the calender titles and down arrows away.
Bernhard Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2751] Reminder dialog (from korgac) does not jump to next item when one is "dismissed"
Bernhard Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2752] X-Spam-Status not written for some spam mails
Thomas Arendsen Hein
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2753] PHP errors with 2.2rc3
Martin Konold
- [Kolab-devel] [merge78] Proko2->enterprise : Button to do an ldap lookup is missing from the address selection dialog
Pradeepto Bhattacharya
- [Kolab-devel] [merge79] Proko2->enterprise : Button to open certificate manager is missing from encryption key dialog
Pradeepto Bhattacharya
- [Kolab-devel] Strange mails in Calendar after Palm sync problems (proko35)
Martin Konold
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2754] todos: Creation of a todo after restart creates two todos.
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2755] The menu entry "configure kontact..." is missing in the main window
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2756] contacts: the configure contacts dialog has an "&"-letter in its German header.
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2757] contacts: configuration dialog "custom page": The pages list doesn't update, if a new page is imported.
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] Difference between kolab & horde passwd
Gelpi Andrea
- [Kolab-devel] [merge80] enterprise->e4->trunk : Button to do an ldap lookup is missing from the address selection dialog
Pradeepto Bhattacharya
- [Kolab-devel] Some horde problems
Gelpi Andrea
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2758] /kolab/etc/apache/apache.d/apache-php.conf should use the correct php.ini path
Gunnar Wrobel
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2759] [horde/passwd] Horde passwd should only declare the Kolab backend
Gunnar Wrobel
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2760] Deleting shared folders does not work
Gunnar Wrobel
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2761] Mailinglist properties not in context menue anymore
Bernhard Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] New dist_conf variable `spamassassin_confdir'
Sascha Wilde
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2762] Sometimes whole day events overlap in the view.
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2763] The day in middle of a 3 days event is displayed in a ugly way.
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2764] Deletion of an attachment results in signature warning without signature.
Bernhard Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2765] The menu entries of the main menu are in wrong order.
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2766] Open an attachment with a not-KDE program is not possible
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2767] Drag and drop an attachment to a mail just works, if the attachment panel is already visible.
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2768] Crash while updating an event.
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2769] A user cannot use LDAP-Search to get a mail address, if he wants to send an event as iCal
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] kolab web interface development
Eleni Postantzi
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2770] Moving to an inline Openpgp encrypted mail forces it to encrypt
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] Bugreports Kontact: kolab.org vs. kde.org
Bernhard Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] notifyd[10861]: do_notify using method 'mailto'
Alain Spineux
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2771] "--" is missing by sending a mail with signiture
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [merge67] Introduce postfix helo checking
Gelpi Andrea
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2772] Free/Busy retrieve password cache is buggy.
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2773] Remove "Order of Arrival" string
Emanuel Schütze
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2774] Attachment icon for openPGP encrypted emails (without attachment)
Emanuel Schütze
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2775] German typing error in smime sig email: "Prüfprtokoll anzeigen"
Emanuel Schütze
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2776] Kontact: Mail reply should be in the same crypto format
Emanuel Schütze
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2777] Deleting attachments from signed emails should change content-type to multipart/mixed
Bernhard Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2778] There is no fuss in buying medication online
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2779] Timely advice on how to increase your erection
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2780] Kontact shows an "Cannot Write to Resource" error message, if the user wants to read a mail from a shared folder.
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2781] Option to disable "-- " before signature
Thomas Arendsen Hein
- [Kolab-devel] gunnar: server/pear/PEAR-Net_IMAP echo.patch, NONE, 1.1 ChangeLog, 1.1, 1.2 Makefile, 1.2, 1.3 PEAR-Net_IMAP.spec, 1.1, 1.2
Bernhard Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2782] timezones missing in Korganizer Settings for Time/Date
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2783] dating site and woman in your town or city.225
Williams Medrano
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2784] Never hear a complaint ever again
- [Kolab-devel] [merge81] e3->e4 : Button to open certificate manager is missing from encryption key dialog
Pradeepto Bhattacharya
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2785] favorite folder: Two creation ways show different names
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2786] open attachment with kwrite: strange letters behind the attachment in the header.
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2787] open attachment with kwrite: changed attachment cannot be saved
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2788] KMail smime audit log window should be wider.
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2789] The "Yes" and "good" in the smime audit log window are not translated to German.
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2790] Strange date/time field in the new todo dialog.
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2791] php-kolab probably missing required PEAR dependencies
Gunnar Wrobel
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2792] kontact sometimes doesn't display a shared folder
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2794] amavisd forgets virus name if mail contains more than one virus
Thomas Arendsen Hein
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2795] immediate crash after clicking on inbox
Jaroslaw Staniek
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2796] Folders without permission to change the Seen db ("s" permission) bring up (missleading) error message with dimap resource
Bernhard Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] Kolab Security Issue 21 20080618 (clamav)
Thomas Arendsen Hein
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2797] caledar side-by-side view: the order of the resource columns should be the same order as in the resource view
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2798] Be a better husband to your wife
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2799] Crash in QObject::connect while switching to calendar
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] Web admin interface
Alain Abbas
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2800] Encryption in windows does not work.
basysKom GmbH
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2801] Konact doubles mails if a filter is used and every mail is filtered
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2802] Energy fur ihren Schwanz, kaufen und 85% sparen
Leonore Silva
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2803] Impress all in the locker room
- [Kolab-devel] Server 2.1.0 -> 2.2rc3 1st.README / update instructions
Bernhard Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2804] woman dating sitePatsy
Patsy Jensen
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2805] Man Lebt nur einmal - probiers aus !
Jocelin Tas
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2806] Doping fur Ihr bestes Stuck
Marylou Martin
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2807] Wir wissen was Frauen wollern
Angela Valentine
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2808] Contact!!!
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2809] Using qutoes in passwords fails on the IMAP level
Gunnar Wrobel
- [Kolab-devel] Kontact/KMail randomly emptying folders?!
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2810] Winziger Zeitaufwand, der Kroeten bringt
Liana wenninger
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2811] INTERNET AWARD NOTICE!!!
dayzonlinenl Gazeta.pl
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2812] Latest news on health warnings
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2813] Mit unserem Produkt haben Sie wieder Spass am Leben!
Mela Michael
- [Kolab-devel] Palm sync/KPilot oddities...
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2814] Man Lebt nur einmal - probiers aus !
Pandora Metcalf
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2815] The envy of all guys
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2816] Mails get lost, if some mails are moved into a subfolder
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2817] Show this to your boss
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2818] my destiny
Paula Chamberlain
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2819] Wir wissen was Frauen wollern
Jeffry Crabtree
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2820] A deleted event reappears after switching shown days.
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2821] Server Authentication Dialog appears twice after creating an event
Ludwig Reiter
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2823] Belebt Geist und Korper
Martin Sayles
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2824] Domain Maintainer can't edit user with an alias in a different domain
Thomas Arendsen Hein
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2825] domain maintainer can't edit email aliases of his users
Thomas Arendsen Hein
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2826] thunderer sapiens
Yagues Grubman
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2827] Deleting users does not work reliably
Thomas Arendsen Hein
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2828] Minor
Hallie Minor
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2829] Probieren Sie es - Mann lebt nur einmal
Tammi Michael
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2830] Default identity used for invitation even if other identity is set as organizer
Thomas Arendsen Hein
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2831] SECURITY: <horde-3.2.1 affected by XSS issue
Gunnar Wrobel
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2832] SECURITY: <turba-2.2.1 affected by XSS issue
Gunnar Wrobel
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2833] Mail filter setting "Always reject" should reject instead of bounce
Thomas Arendsen Hein
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2834] Global recession setting in
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2835] Vier Doosen umsonst
Timothy Hite
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2836] Vier Doosen umsonst
Nick Pelletier
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2837] Nie mehr zu frueh kommen?
Michelle Barel
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2838] Endlich wieder Spass am Leben
Steven Kidd
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2839] Endlich wieder Spass am Leben
Les Skaggs
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2840] Doping fur Ihr bestes Stuck
Gregorio Bryan
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2841] Vi_ia - g ra = 52Order two or more products and get free shipping!
Mariana Reece
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2842] Belebt Geist und Korper
Twila Jordan
- [Kolab-devel] [issue2843] spamassassin local.cf should contain uridnsbl_skip_domain with @mydomains
Sascha Wilde
Last message date:
Mon Jun 30 14:17:20 CEST 2008
Archived on: Tue Jul 9 09:39:11 CEST 2013
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