Kolab Service Does not Start/No Emails Can be Sent/Received

Bob Jones sckalleon at yahoo.com
Sat May 1 06:32:19 CEST 2021

Hi Jochen,

It does not seem so. The service_bind_pw is correct and matches the entry in config.inc.php. Please note that other user passwords are also failing (as can be seen in the pykolab logs in the original post). Essentially, all mailbox passwords are failing similarly.

No, I have not done any 'rpmconf -a' or merges etc. , I just did yum update. Can you elaborate what you mean? Is this a step to be run after updating kolab packages?


 On Friday, April 30, 2021, 8:42:30 PM PDT, Jochen Kellner <jochen at jochen.org> wrote: 

Bob Jones <sckalleon at yahoo.com> writes:

> pykolab seems to be reporting many messages of the form:
>    2021-04-XX 23:52:45,266 pykolab.auth ERROR [1289] Invalid DN,
> username and/or password for 'uid=kolab-service,ou=Special
> Users,dc=abc,dc=com'.          

In /etc/kolab/kolab.conf I have:

| ; Bind DN and password used for services. The DN should have read and search
| ; privileges only, but should be able to read all relevant parts of the tree.
| ;
| ; These credentials are used by, among others, Postfix, Wallace, programs that
| ; need to find the user DN before binding as the user (including the webadmin
| ; API, Roundcube, Syncroton).
| service_bind_dn = uid=kolab-service,ou=Special Users,%(base_dn)s
| service_bind_pw = <moat_secret_password>

Most likely the bind_pw is wrong. Did you merge the configuration with
"rpmconf -a"?  If you don't have a backup of that file , Look for
bind_dn and bind_pass in the files in /etc/roundcubemail.

Hope that helps.


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