Kolab Service Does not Start/No Emails Can be Sent/Received

Jochen Kellner jochen at jochen.org
Sat May 1 05:42:25 CEST 2021

Bob Jones <sckalleon at yahoo.com> writes:

> pykolab seems to be reporting many messages of the form:
>    2021-04-XX 23:52:45,266 pykolab.auth ERROR [1289] Invalid DN,
> username and/or password for 'uid=kolab-service,ou=Special
> Users,dc=abc,dc=com'.          

In /etc/kolab/kolab.conf I have:

| ; Bind DN and password used for services. The DN should have read and search
| ; privileges only, but should be able to read all relevant parts of the tree.
| ;
| ; These credentials are used by, among others, Postfix, Wallace, programs that
| ; need to find the user DN before binding as the user (including the webadmin
| ; API, Roundcube, Syncroton).
| service_bind_dn = uid=kolab-service,ou=Special Users,%(base_dn)s
| service_bind_pw = <moat_secret_password>

Most likely the bind_pw is wrong. Did you merge the configuration with
"rpmconf -a"?  If you don't have a backup of that file , Look for
bind_dn and bind_pass in the files in /etc/roundcubemail.

Hope that helps.


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