Kolab Service Does not Start/No Emails Can be Sent/Received

Jochen Kellner jochen at jochen.org
Sat May 1 14:43:24 CEST 2021


Bob Jones <sckalleon at yahoo.com> writes:

> It does not seem so. The service_bind_pw is correct and matches the
> entry in config.inc.php.

That seems fine, Can you connect with that name and password to your
LDAP server?  The log said that name or password was wrong. If the
service user can't connect to LDAP nothing really can work.  So that's
what you need to check first and get working. Try connecting with
ldapsearch or some other LDAP tool you might use.

I see these possibilities:

1. password in LDAP has been changed and you need to reflect that change
in all kolab configurations (I'd reset the password in LDAP, so the
config files don't need changing).

2. The LDAP user is ok, but the config files have been overwritten and
you need to merge your changes back in.

3. Somehow you don't connect to the correct LDAP server...

> Please note that other user passwords are
> also failing (as can be seen in the pykolab logs in the original
> post). Essentially, all mailbox passwords are failing similarly.

That's a follow-on error. How does kolab work? The user connects to
Webmail or IMAP. These services connect to LDAP with the
uid=kolab-service special user and there the user password is finally

So, without a working kolab-services User you are stuck.

> No, I have not done any 'rpmconf -a' or merges etc. , I just did yum
> update. Can you elaborate what you mean? Is this a step to be run
> after updating kolab packages?

If RPM updates a package it knows when you did make changes to
configuration files, Instead of overwriting the file it stores the new
file in .rpmnew, so the admin can check the changes and apply what's
needed. "rpmconf -a" find all these files and asks what to do. For
kolab installing the stock configuration files would be bad, since all
configuration from kolab-setup would be lost (e.g. stock user&password
template for kolab-service, no domain specific configuration).


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