Kolab 16 Community on Buster, Debian 10 ?

Daniel Hoffend dh at dotlan.net
Sun Jan 26 01:33:27 CET 2020

I've worked on debian 10 the last month and did various test 

Yesterday I did a very quick and dirty dist-upgrade. I managed to get 
everything working but here are a few things that you should take a look 
at when doing dist-upgrades (instead of reinstallations).

* If're running debian with nginx+php-fpm you've to move your fpm pool 
configs manually from /etc/php/7.0/fpm/pool.d/ to 
/etc/php/7.3/fpm/pool.d/ and restart both. (You can uninstall php7.0* 

* Regarding cyrus: The default paths are different on Debian10 
(/var/lib/cyrus instead of /var/lib/imap). The kolab configuration 
templates still have the socket file for cyrus process in 
/var/lib/imap/socket instead of /run/cyrus/socket. But I don't see any 
issue here. (dist-upgrade and keep the old folders or new install and 
take the new folders works both for me)

* Take a look at your postfix logfile. It's possible that postfix can't 
deliver to cyrus ltmp cause it can't reache the cyrus socket directory 
(which has moode 0750). A quick chmod 755 on both dirs (/var/lib/imap 
and imap/socket) helps so postfix can talk with the ltmp socket. 
Otherwise feel free to reconfigure everything in imapd.conf and postfix 
to point to /run/cyrus...

* I added [ldap] / timeout = 2 into /etc/kolab/kolab.conf otherwise the 
kolab/pykolab.log would get spammed with some warnings.

* I changed `postconf compatibility_level=2` due postfix spamming me 
with compatibility notices. Nothing major.

* Last but not least, I dropped the mysql tables for the 
kolab_smtp_access_policy using `kolab_smtp_access_policy --drop-tables` 
and restarted postfix. This was needed due the fact that I encountered 
some issues with with very long email addresses (>64 chars)- The tables 
got updated in summer 18 but there's no auto update for this afaik.

I guess the documentation is a bit behind (regarding debian 10) and 
could need some love.

Daniel Hoffend

Am 2020-01-22 10:56, schrieb Matthias Busch:
> Hello good people,
> im eagerly waiting for kolab on debian 10
> (and would run a test migration first and could give feedback on any 
> issues)
> is there an estimate when it will be available ?
> and/or maybe an easy way to get notified when it is (other than 
> checking
> the documentation) ?
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