Can't receive nor send mails trough Roundcube (error 454)

Thomas Spuhler thomas.spuhler at
Sun Oct 26 02:36:40 CEST 2014

On Saturday, October 25, 2014 08:18:18 PM Juan M wrote:
> Hello,
> I managed to setup kolab 3.3 multitenant following the HOWTO multidomain instructions and this one
> ( by T.
> Pokorra. I setup 2 domains and added users in the webadmin. I can log into roundcube with those
> credentials. However I've tried sending mail to and from those accounts with negative results. My
> investigation so far:Does the following command work? kolab lm. yes it returns the full list of
> accounts.Is the kolab-saslauthd service running? [ ok ] kolab-saslauthd is running.Is it
> functional? OK "Success."Is LDAP running? [info] dirsrv exchange (pid 3097) is runningcyrus-imapd
> seems to be running okpostfix seems to be running okwhen I run: postmap -q user at domain.tld
> ldap:/etc/postfix/ldap/, i get user at domain.tld so i guess maps are ok When
> I try sending mail from roundcube it says  SMTP error 454, authentication failed.
> Any ideas? help?
Are you sure your sasl2 works for postfix?
What do you have in smtpd.conf. Mine is in /etc/sasl2/

Do you have the same problems using Thunderbird?

Best regards
Thomas Spuhler

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