Kolab Installation on clean Debian Wheezy

Diane Trout diane at ghic.org
Fri Jan 18 18:15:49 CET 2013

> 4. What is the proper way for shared mail folders (like public non-personal
> mail folders in the company)? I found a posting where kolab cm
> "shared.xy at ..." was used. Is there a way to use the WebUI for management?
> Do the resources have anything to do with that? I can't try the resources
> because I got the same error like
> http://lists.kolab.org/pipermail/kolab-users/2013-January/014330.html. I
> can create a resource, but they are not listed on the left afterwards. I'm
> also wondering where the predefined categories like Cars, Beamer, etc are
> defined.

I found the resource was created it just didn't show up in the web-ui. The 
resource mailbox showed up for me by running.

kolab list-mailboxes

Also I think its possible to make a shared mailbox by using the kolab command 
line. First create a mailbox and the use the set acl command.

I think the ACL modification will work from roundcubemail as well if a 
particular user wants to share a mailbox. Though there are more permissions 
available to set with the command line tool than the roundcube folder 


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