Kolab Installation on clean Debian Wheezy

Onno Hensgen onno.hensgen at aquaduna.com
Sun Jan 20 00:11:07 CET 2013

> I found the resource was created it just didn't show up in the web-ui. The 
> resource mailbox showed up for me by running.
> kolab list-mailboxes
> Also I think its possible to make a shared mailbox by using the kolab command 
> line. First create a mailbox and the use the set acl command.
> I think the ACL modification will work from roundcubemail as well if a 
> particular user wants to share a mailbox. Though there are more permissions 
> available to set with the command line tool than the roundcube folder 
> settings.

Yes, with the command line tools I could remove the resources again. I still don't really get how to work with resources yet...but that's ok as I don't need really need them, just being curious :)

Now I created a folder for company wide addressbook and contacts with 'kolab cm ...'. I also managed to set the folder type with
kolab set-mailbox-metadata 'CompanyXY/Contacts at example.com' /shared/vendor/kolab/folder-type contact (or event)

Now I'm wondering if the often seen prefix 'shared/...' has any special purpose or effect? It looks ugly in roundcube if everything is prefixed with shared (especially if the ui is not english). I just went with another meaningful prefix.

I also created mailboxes for company wide mail addresses with the command line. In previous versions of kolab I could deliver mail to these accounts with 'kolab+shared.... at example.com'. That seems not to work anymore. How can I deliver mail to the shared mailboxes? Any ideas? My workaround is to create whole user accounts for shared mailboxes, but that smells a bit messy...

Thanks for your help,

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