ZPush now trying 0.7.1-2

Alexander Schröter webmaster at computational-chemistry.org
Thu Nov 4 13:31:31 CET 2010


I have been testing the ZPush Plugin for Kolab the last couple of weeks. And I 
must say I am very impressed so far it works very nice.

One Things I observed:
In my case the Picture seems not to be updated. I am not sure if this is 
related to my N900 and its Exchange or if this is an backend issue. Maybe 
someone can check if thats correct.

Another Thing which might be nice.
In the webmail frontend you can change between foldermode etc. First is that 
Phone specific or Account specific if so maybe adding the Setting to a specific 
device would be nice. And having another account/device specific setting for 
provisioning on/off would also be nice.

Thanks for the Great work.
Take Care

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