[Fwd: Re: [Z-Push-dev] Nokia N900 and Z-push 1.3 RC]

Alain Abbas alain.abbas at libertech.fr
Sun Apr 25 11:13:18 CEST 2010

Thorsten Schnebeck a écrit :
> Am Freitag 23 April 2010 23:45:17 schrieben Sie:
>> hi Thorsten
>> see the attached message
>> Alain,
>>  Von: Sebastian Kummer <s.kummer at zarafaserver.com.br>
>>> I would say it's related to the provisioning which was introduced in 1.3.
>>> I'm not sure if the N900 supports it as until today I had no device "in hands" for testing.
>>> Try enabling the loose-provisioning (z-push config). If that also does not help, disable provisioning completely
>>> (parameter provisioning).
>>> Cheers,
>>> Sebastian
>>> PS. Any hints in the debug log?
>> Regards
> Hi Alain,
> from the N900-MfE Wiki:
>> Known issues
>> Provisioning
>> N900 is considered to be "non provisioning device" from Exchange server point of view. It basically means that it can
>> not be managed from Exchange server - administrator can not wipe your device, request you to use autolock and so on.
>> Basically, all the provisioning data received from the server is ignored and the server is informed that N900 MfE
>> does not support this feature. Exchange administrator can configure the server in two ways - he/she can allow to use
>> non-provisioning devices or disallow. In the second case N900 MfE will not work as server will reject the
>> connection.
> I used the new released z-push-1.3
> first I test "loose_provisioning" -> does not work
> Then I changed provisioning to false -> does not work
> Then I update 1.2.3_RC to 1.2.3 -> works
> Is not there another fundamental change between 1.2.x and 1.3:
> For 1.2.x I have to patch diffbackend.php with this
> +    function syncstate($state)
> +    {
> +        $this->_state=$state;
> +    }
this function was used with zpush 1.2.3 and backend 0.2  this , is not 
need with backend > 0.2
and was removed with port to 1.3 . backend > 0.2 would work with zpush 
1.2.3 without this patch.
You could feed back your observations about the N900 on Zafara mailing 
list , i think it would be usefull for Zafara developpers :


> This was not necessary any longer when supporting 1.3 but something I would call "syncstate" is exactly my problem with 1.3 as every sync behaves like the first sync(?)
> Bye
>   Thorsten
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