
John McMonagle johnm at advocap.org
Wed May 20 14:20:02 CEST 2009

On Wednesday 20 May 2009 03:18:16 am Bernhard Reiter wrote:
> Am Dienstag, 19. Mai 2009 15:34:30 schrieb John McMonagle:
> >  see there is a whitelist filter  in horde.
> > I am assuming that it is just  the sieve filter or does it also hook in
> > to the spam controls?
> The web client does not have credentials to change the system settings.
> (A good thing giving our security architecture.) So it must mean a sieve
> filter for the user. Note that I saw a number of problems with the web
> clients sieve filter fly by, your milage might vary.
It would be nice if users could whitelist for them self.
If so would be only for that user and keep the virus checks.

> > It doesn't do much good to whitelist if it's been blocked before it gets
> > to you :-(
> > If this is not the case is there a spam whitelist in kolab?
> Kolab Server uses amavisd new to trigger a number of check,
> e.g. spamassasin and clamav. You can plug additional checks into it and
> also whitelisting. So yes, there is whitelisting and everything else that
> you can drive from amavisd new or postfix. ;)
> Bernhard


Thanks for the quick answer
Wanted to make sure there was not something already in place.

More questions to come as I don't understand some of the postfix 


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