ldap questions.

John McMonagle johnm at advocap.org
Tue May 19 22:55:58 CEST 2009

Have our ldap migrated over to kolab and it's looking good but have a couple 

I had to do a line by line merge of slapd.conf and mine were longer than 
kolabs so it took a while.

Really the only merge question is this really needed in slapd.conf?
allow           bind_v2
It seems to run fine without it.

Any chance one can put multiple servers for ldap_uri   in kolab.conf

For example in my current mail servers saslauthd.conf have:
ldap_servers: ldapi:///var/run/ldapi ldaps://fonldap.advocap.org 
Sure that wrapped but have 3 servers.
Everywere else I use ldap do the same.

The neat thing  is if any go down for any reason ldap service is not lost.
For example while I working on the editing the schema on the current mail 
server    the ldap server failed a couple of times but I never lost ldap 

Suppose I could try it and see what happens.



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