Upgrade on Suse 10.3 success

Carsten Burghardt carsten at cburghardt.com
Thu May 7 10:48:34 CEST 2009


after a lot of tests on a virtual system I finally upgraded my  
productive Kolab server to 2.2.1 with the Suse packages.
Short description:
- Save ldap data according to readme (slapcat)
- rckolab stop
- add Kolab devel (see http://en.opensuse.org/Kolab) and Perl devel  
(http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/devel:/languages:/perl/openSUSE_10.3) installation  
- update all Kolab, Horde, PHP and Perl packages with Yast
- restore .rpmnew files from /etc/kolab/templates (if you made changes)
- do the same for Horde if needed
- restore ldap data according to readme (slapadd)
- rcldap start
- kolabconf -n
- rckolab start
- change ownership of Horde config dirs and files to wwwrun

That's it. So far I tested email, calendar, tasks, contacts and syncml  
support, all work. I have not tested freebusy and shared calendars yet.

I am currently not able to save the Horde config as administrator  
because this replaces the __FILE__ macros with an actual path but that  
does not seem to work as Horde can not find the database anymore.



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