How can I fetch my Mail from my ISPs Server?

Alexander Schröter webmaster at
Thu Jun 25 11:53:24 CEST 2009

Hello again

It's working (sort of). 

Fetchmail gets the Mail from my ISP. But there is already the first problem, it 
only gets the Mail from the Inbox but I actually want all the mail. Every 
subfolder and so on. I already added the option "Fetchall" so what am I 

And then the bigger problem because it might be flawed by design. You might 
remember that I wanted to keep the Mail at my ISP because of backup and so on. 
So I pretty much only want the kolab server to mirror my ISP's Imap account to 
have everything at one point. Is that even possible?

I would really like some help with that.
Thanks a lot.

Alexander Schröter

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