Kontact for Mac OS X experience (so far)

Del delonly at gmail.com
Fri Feb 13 10:35:53 CET 2009

> > -Upon re-boot after installation, the screen resolution was wrong
> This one is new. Can you tell us more about this problem?

Unfortunately I haven't touched a Mac in fifteen years, so I was too clumsy
to note which resolution it got, but this is as detailed as I can give it:
I followed the installer, clicked logout when prompted after installation.
It logged in as it should with correct resolution on screen. I then
immediately chose to reboot. After reboot the screen resolution was to
coarse, I would guess 800x600 (but I changed it before I could notice what
it was). Easy fix was course to reset the resolution.

> Our idea is to get Kontact enterprise4 into macports and fink ultimately
> so updates would come through them. We currently do not have the resources
> to
> create slick installers for all versions. Help always appreciated. :)

Is the packaging well documented somewhere? It really was slick, and at the
very least a non-debug version would be nice, as the debug version is huge
and has slow start-up.

I will get more test results the coming days on mails and calender.

It is me who should be grateful :)
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