cleaning up cyrus

Klaus Vink Slott K.Slott-ls at
Mon May 5 15:56:37 CEST 2008

Mandag den 5. Maj 2008 skrev Alain Spineux:
> On Mon, May 5, 2008 at 3:28 PM, Klaus Vink Slott
> <K.Slott-ls at> wrote:
> > question is: Can I possibly log in to cyrus using something like
> >  cyradm --user [cyrus|kolab|whatever] localhost
> >  and remove uassigned mailboxes?
> Yes you can, using
> # cyradm -u manager --password youpass localhost
Doh... manager.... I should have guessed that myself.

Allthough I prefer not to type password as part of a command - but using 

# cyradm -u manager localhost

prompts for password and works perfectly!
Klaus Vink Slott

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