cleaning up cyrus

Alain Spineux aspineux at
Mon May 5 15:42:32 CEST 2008

On Mon, May 5, 2008 at 3:28 PM, Klaus Vink Slott
<K.Slott-ls at> wrote:
> during testing kolab I have bootstrapped kolab several times and created
>  several test users. I now see that mailboxes is still exsisting
>  in /var/spool/imap/domain/....../user/ for previus users created before
>  current bootstrap
>  Allthough I am new to Kolab I have used cyrus for many years. So my question
>  is: Can I possibly log in to cyrus using something like
>  cyradm --user [cyrus|kolab|whatever] localhost
>  and remove uassigned mailboxes?

Yes you can, using
# cyradm -u manager --password youpass localhost
and command
> lm
> rm user/.......


>  Or is there any other preferred way to cleanup?
>  --
>  Regards
>  Klaus Vink Slott
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Alain Spineux
aspineux gmail com
May the sources be with you

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