Migration from MS Exchange to Kolab (imapsync)

Alessio Cecchi alessio at skye.it
Thu Jan 3 16:57:42 CET 2008

Hello all

i'm migrating an MS Exchange server to a new kolab server. I need to only 
migrate the e-mail messages. So i'm using imapsync. 

The problem is that the INBOX of exchange in kolab, after the sync, is under 
the main INBOX, so e-mail are in INBOX/INBOX.

What is the correct IMAP prefix for exchange or cyrus?

Alessio Cecchi is:
@ ILS -> http://www.linux.it/~alessice/
Assistenza Sistemi GNU/Linux -> http://www.cecchi.biz/
@ PLUG -> ex-Presidente, http://www.prato.linux.it

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