cannot delete shared calendar with spaces in the name

Richard Bos ml at
Wed Dec 3 20:29:25 CET 2008

Op Wednesday 03 December 2008 19:29:14 schreef Lucas Hendricks:
> I have created some shared calendars in the horde admin interface that
> included spaces in the name and they seem buggy.  I could not subscribe to
> them via url and they will not let me delete them either through admin or
> horde.  When I set them to delete in the admin interface they say "Folder
> deleted, awaiting cleanup..." but then never delete and after cleanup runs
> they're still there.
> I'm only on a beta install and I will most likely do a clean install when
> 2.2.1 comes out so it's not an issue that needs much thought wasted on it
> (I will just not use spaces in folder names in the future).   I just wanted
> to check here to see if someone knows how to fix this off the top of their
> heads or if it should be considered a feature.

Does it help if you replace the space in the url with %20?

Richard Bos
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It is not inherited from our parents.

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