cannot delete shared calendar with spaces in the name

Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at
Fri Dec 5 09:35:54 CET 2008

Hi Lucas,

Quoting Lucas Hendricks <LHendricks at>:

>   font-family: Arial;\">Hello,  font-family: Arial;\">    
> font-family: Arial;\">I have created some shared calendars in the
> horde admin interface that included spaces in the name and they
> buggy.

In the horde admin interface? I guess you rather mean the web-admin, right?

> I could not subscribe to them via url and they will not let
> me delete them either through admin or horde.

How exactly do you try to delete it in horde? Did you give admin  
rights to the user trying to delete the shared folder?

> When I set them to
> delete in the admin interface they say "Folder deleted,
> awaiting cleanup..." but then never delete and after cleanup
> runs they're still there.

What kind of a cleanup run? Does your kolabd run? kolabd should be  
responsible for removing the folders.

>  font-family: Arial;\">   font-family: Arial;\">I'm only on a beta  
> install and I will most
> likely do a clean install when 2.2.1 comes out so it's not an issue
> that needs much thought wasted on it (I will just not use spaces in
> folder names in the future).   I just wanted to check here to see
> someone knows how to fix this off the top of their heads or if it
> should be considered a feature.

Deleting such folders works fine for me (albeit on a 2.2.1  
installation). I don't think we had some changes in that area though  
and I would expect it to also work on 2.2.0. I could check 2.2.0 also  
if required.



>  font-family: Arial;\">   style=\"font-size: 10pt; font-family:  
> Arial; color: blue;\">Lucas
> Hendricks

____ _________________ _

E-mail : p at                                 Dr. Gunnar Wrobel
Tel.   : +49 700 6245 0000                         Bundesstrasse 29
Fax    : +49 721 1513 52322                        D-20146 Hamburg
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