German language in web-admin-interface
Gunnar Wrobel
wrobel at
Wed Apr 16 08:01:36 CEST 2008
Hi Volker,
"Volker Stoppe" <grenzlaeufer at> writes:
> Thats a misunderstanding. I didn´t convert the packsges. I just copied the
> mailboxes, ldaptree, most data of kolab und rebuild the mailboxes. I use
> now the debian-binaries from the kolab ftp server.
Uh-oh.... ;)
You are definitely asking for trouble that way. I'm suprised that it
worked but on the other hand most of the Kolab code is written in PHP
and this gives you no trouble.
But did you consider the maintainability of your approach? There are
reasons why most distributions use package managers rather than having
a loose collection of files.
I don't really know why your the languages selection does not work but
I'd be suprised if this remains the only problem on your system ;)
> On Thu, 03 Apr 2008 12:44:03 +0200, Richard Bos <ml at> wrote:
>> On Thu, Apr 03, 2008 at 11:18:29AM +0200, Volker Stoppe wrote:
>>> Hallo!
>>> I have successfully transfered SuSE-Kolab (with suse-rpms) to
>>> Debian4/kolab-rpm. If somebody needs assistens, in this case, just
>>> contact
>>> me.
>> Huh, is this really possible? Did you convert those rpms to debian
>> packages? But what about the onwer and group settings in the
>> /etc/kolab/template files, they are all wrong proberly.
>> How is it possible that the converted suse packages are more stable
>> than they are on openSUSE itself?
>> Do you know that there are people working on a native debian port?
> I used two scripts for the transfer. If someone uses it, plese test it on
> a test-system!!! This is not very elegant but it works mostly. I had to
> rerun cyrreconstruct an set smtpd_auth_only in the to no!
> ######### transfer-server-script ################
> mail:~/transfer # cat transfer-server
> IP=
> ### Stop services on client side
> ssh -l root $IP "/kolab/bin/openpkg rc all stop"
> ssh -l root $IP "/kolab/bin/openpkg rc openldap start"
> ### trancefer certs
> scp -r /etc/kolab/ca/* root@$IP:/kolab/etc/kolab/ca
> scp /etc/kolab/cert.pem root@$IP:/kolab/etc/kolab/
> scp /etc/kolab/key.pem root@$IP:/kolab/etc/kolab/
> ### transfer LDAP-tree
> ldapsearch -w [PASSWORD] -c -x -D "cn=manager,cn=internal,dc=domain,dc=ag"
>> domain.ldif
> cat domain.ldif | grep -v -e structuralObjectClass -e entryUUID -e
> creatorsName -e createTimestamp -e entryCSN -e modifiersName -e
> modifyTimestamp > domain-ag.ldif
> rm /root/transfer/domain.ldif
> scp /root/transfer/domain-ag.ldif root@$IP:/root
> scp /root/transfer/passwd root@$IP:/root
> ssh -l root $IP "/kolab/bin/ldapadd -W -y /root/passwd -x -c -D
> "cn=manager,cn=internal,dc=formaxx,dc=ag" -W -f /root/domain-ag.ldif"
> ### transfer Mailboxes
> scp -r /var/spool/imap/* root@$IP:/kolab/var/imapd/spool/
> ssh -l root $IP "chown -R kolab-r: /kolab/var/imapd/spool"
> ### transfer Squirrelmail
> scp -r /srv/www/htdocs/squirrelmail root@$IP:/kolab/var/kolab/www
> ssh -l root $IP "chown -R kolab:kolab /kolab/var/kolab/www/squirrelmail"
> ssh -l root $IP "chown -R kolab-n /kolab/var/kolab/www/squirrelmail/data/
> -R"
> scp /root/transfer/actions root@$IP:/root
> ### collect mail forwardings in this virtual file
> scp /root/transfer/virtual root@$IP:/root
> ### transfer some custom scripts
> scp -r /home/admin/scripts root@$IP:/home/vst/
> ### transfer Crontab ###
> cat crontab | ssh -l root $IP "crontab -"
> ### transfer templates... ###
> scp amavisd.conf.template root@$IP:/kolab/etc/kolab/templates
> ### start local actions on new server
> ssh -l root $IP "/root/actions"
> ssh -l root $IP "/kolab/bin/openpkg rc all start"
> ####### actions-script ###########
> mail:~/transfer # cat actions
> su - kolab-r -c "cyrreconstruct -C /kolab/etc/imapd/imapd.conf"
> chown -R vst: /home/vst/scripts
> chown root /kolab/etc/postfix/*.cf
> rm /root/passwd
> ### Aliase ####
> cat /root/virtual >> /kolab/etc/kolab/templates/virtual.template
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p at rdus Kolab work is funded in part by KDAB and the Kolab Konsortium
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E-mail : p at Dr. Gunnar Wrobel
Tel. : +49 700 6245 0000 Bundesstrasse 29
Fax : +49 721 1513 52322 D-20146 Hamburg
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