German language in web-admin-interface

Volker Stoppe grenzlaeufer at
Thu Apr 3 13:26:44 CEST 2008

Thats a misunderstanding. I didn´t convert the packsges. I just copied the  
mailboxes, ldaptree, most data of kolab und rebuild the mailboxes. I use  
now the debian-binaries from the kolab ftp server.

On Thu, 03 Apr 2008 12:44:03 +0200, Richard Bos <ml at> wrote:

> On Thu, Apr 03, 2008 at 11:18:29AM +0200, Volker Stoppe wrote:
>> Hallo!
>> I have successfully transfered SuSE-Kolab (with suse-rpms) to
>> Debian4/kolab-rpm. If somebody needs assistens, in this case, just  
>> contact
>> me.
> Huh, is this really possible?  Did you convert those rpms to debian
> packages?  But what about the onwer and group settings in the
> /etc/kolab/template files, they are all wrong proberly.
> How is it possible that the converted suse packages are more stable
> than they are on openSUSE itself?
> Do you know that there are people working on a native debian port?

I used two scripts for the transfer. If someone uses it, plese test it on  
a test-system!!! This is not very elegant but it works mostly. I had to  
rerun cyrreconstruct an set smtpd_auth_only in the to no!

######### transfer-server-script ################

mail:~/transfer # cat transfer-server

### Stop services on client side
ssh -l root $IP "/kolab/bin/openpkg rc all stop"
ssh -l root $IP "/kolab/bin/openpkg rc openldap start"

### trancefer certs
scp -r /etc/kolab/ca/* root@$IP:/kolab/etc/kolab/ca
scp /etc/kolab/cert.pem root@$IP:/kolab/etc/kolab/
scp /etc/kolab/key.pem root@$IP:/kolab/etc/kolab/

### transfer LDAP-tree
ldapsearch -w [PASSWORD] -c -x -D "cn=manager,cn=internal,dc=domain,dc=ag"  
> domain.ldif
cat domain.ldif | grep -v -e structuralObjectClass -e entryUUID -e  
creatorsName -e createTimestamp -e entryCSN -e modifiersName -e  
modifyTimestamp > domain-ag.ldif
rm /root/transfer/domain.ldif
scp /root/transfer/domain-ag.ldif root@$IP:/root
scp /root/transfer/passwd root@$IP:/root
ssh -l root $IP "/kolab/bin/ldapadd -W -y /root/passwd -x -c -D  
"cn=manager,cn=internal,dc=formaxx,dc=ag" -W -f /root/domain-ag.ldif"

### transfer Mailboxes
scp -r /var/spool/imap/* root@$IP:/kolab/var/imapd/spool/
ssh -l root $IP "chown -R kolab-r: /kolab/var/imapd/spool"

### transfer Squirrelmail
scp -r /srv/www/htdocs/squirrelmail root@$IP:/kolab/var/kolab/www
ssh -l root $IP "chown -R kolab:kolab /kolab/var/kolab/www/squirrelmail"
ssh -l root $IP "chown -R kolab-n /kolab/var/kolab/www/squirrelmail/data/  

scp /root/transfer/actions root@$IP:/root
### collect mail forwardings in this virtual file
scp /root/transfer/virtual root@$IP:/root

### transfer some custom scripts
scp -r /home/admin/scripts root@$IP:/home/vst/

### transfer Crontab  ###

cat crontab | ssh -l root $IP "crontab -"

### transfer templates... ###
scp amavisd.conf.template root@$IP:/kolab/etc/kolab/templates

### start local actions on new server

ssh -l root $IP "/root/actions"

ssh -l root $IP "/kolab/bin/openpkg rc all start"

####### actions-script ###########

mail:~/transfer # cat actions
su - kolab-r -c  "cyrreconstruct -C /kolab/etc/imapd/imapd.conf"

chown -R vst: /home/vst/scripts
chown root /kolab/etc/postfix/*.cf
rm /root/passwd

### Aliase ####
cat /root/virtual >> /kolab/etc/kolab/templates/virtual.template

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