German language in web-admin-interface

Volker Stoppe grenzlaeufer at
Tue Apr 8 12:04:01 CEST 2008


Hasn´t anybody an idea? I compared the  
"/kolab/var/kolab/php/admin/include/locale.php" from the new  
Debian-OpenPKG-Kolab 2.1 system with the  
"/usr/share/php5/kolab/admin/include/locale.php" from SuSE-Kolab2.1. They  
both look the same. I also stumbled about	"kolab/issue1592 (LANGUAGE  
variable overrides web admin language selection)". But this should be  
fixed. It can´t be so complicated to get the german language in the kolab  
webadmin interface.



On Thu, 03 Apr 2008 11:18:29 +0200, Volker Stoppe <grenzlaeufer at>  

> I have successfully transfered SuSE-Kolab (with suse-rpms) to  
> Debian4/kolab-rpm. If somebody needs assistens, in this case, just  
> contact me.
> Now I would like the switch the web-admin-interface to the german  
> language, but don´t get it. When I switch the Language in the upper  
> right corner of the admin-interface I get only the message in the  
> apache.log:
> - - [03/Apr/2008:11:04:58 +0200] "GET  
> /admin/user/?lang=de_DE HTTP/1.1" 200 310644
> bot nothing happens. Another time I found something with a missing  
> admin-directory but I can´t reconstruct it now.
> I installed the binary packages for Debian from:
> Until now I am very, very pleased with your kolab distribution. The  
> SuSE-Packages weren´t as stable as these. The packages from the  
> Debian-Etch repository where a half year ago total crap (kolab 1.9 with  
> -many- bugs).
> If someone could help me with this language-problem, it would be very  
> nice.

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