kolab2 on 64bit machine

Liutauras Adomaitis liutauras at infosaitas.lt
Wed Sep 5 13:25:29 CEST 2007


I will try to reply to myself, since I have passed this problem myself. I did 
some ( two nights :) ) googling and find a patch file to be executed on 
db.spec file. Here it is:
--- db.spec.orig        2006-10-12 21:38:59.000000000 +0200
+++ db.spec     2006-10-12 23:02:42.000000000 +0200
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@

 #   package version
 %define       V_version  4.3.29
-%define       V_revision 0
+%define       V_revision 0kolab

 #   package information
 Name:         db
@@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ AutoReqProv:  no
     case "%{l_platform -p}" in
         ix86-*   ) mutex="x86/gcc-assembly"   ;;
+        amd64-*  ) mutex="x86/gcc-assembly"   ;;
         ia64-*   ) mutex="ia64/gcc-assembly"  ;;
         sparc*-* ) mutex="Sparc/gcc-assembly" ;;
         ppc*-*   ) mutex="PPC/gcc-assembly"   ;;

I don't remember who have made this file and there I found it, but I think 
this helped me. I did every thing as I described in my previous post and 
apllied this patch.to db4. I don't know why (maybe because one eye was on the 
European basketball championship), but at first it didn't work. This morning 
i tried the same steps once more ( you know .... just in case) and it 
worked !!
As you can see this doesn't add --enable-pthreadsmutexes Franz Skale said in 
previous post, but it worked. Maybe i will try with this option some day.

To shorten somebodies googling time I think
- unpack gcc, openldap, db4 src.rpm with command / package
-modify package.spec files
> - gcc (with --disable-multilib)
> - openldap (with --with-threads)
-apply patch to db.spec file
-repackage all packages /kolab/bin/openpkg rpm -bb package.spec
-reinstall packages with /kolab/bin/openpkg rpm -ihv package.rpm (not source)


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