kolab2 on 64bit machine

Franz Skale i.bin at dah.am
Wed Sep 5 12:41:48 CEST 2007

Bernhard Reiter schrieb:
> On Tuesday 04 September 2007 11:53, Liutauras Adomaitis wrote:
>> I'm trying to start kolab on my amd64 machine with Mandriva2007
> Kolab Server 2.2.0beta1 I assume ...
>> I installed openpkg as described in kolab installation readme, then I
>> run /kolab/etc/kolab_bootstrap -b I get an error, that openldap could not
>> be conntacted, this is on the line which is:
>> /kolab/libexec/openldap/slapd 7 -h
>> ldap:// -f /kolab/etc/openldap/slapd.conf -u kolab -g kolab
>> Running it with -d 7, gives me the following among other output:
>> architecture lacks fast mutexes: applications cannot be threaded
>> bdb_db_open: Database cannot be opened, err 22. Restore from backup!
>> On the google I found
>> http://marc.info/?l=kolab-users&m=117347253612697&w=2
>> which says:
>>> What I make out of your post is that there are two packages that need
>>> different flags:
>>> - gcc (with --disable-multilib)
>>> - openldap (with --with-threads)
>>> - db4 (with --with-threads)
>>> Now, where do you added this options? Did you unpacked the .src.rpm
>>> files, modify the .specs file and the repacked it? In order to run
>>> obmtool? Or is there an easier way to do this?
> Last time I did it manual with openpkg rpm ...
> unpacked the src, and rebuild the package.
> I also suggest to disable optimisations, I had problems
> on a powerpc platform once, where disabling the optimisations for db4
> helped to get it stable.
>> I followed http://www.openpkg.org/documentation/quickref/openpkg-usr.php
>> link about repackaging these packages, but it was first time I did it, so
>> I'm not sure about that.
>> I got new rpms in the /kolab/RPM/ folder, and installed those 3 packages
>> with command
>> /kolab/bin/openpkg rpm -ihv --nodeps --force package-name
>> but no luck, still the same problem
>> Does anybody has any Idea what is wrong?
> OpenPKG bind statically, so you need to relink the packages that in include.
> Specifically you must have db4 done before rebuilding openldap.
> Bernhard
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Hi Bernhard,
as i told some time ago in a 64 bit thread, you have to enable threads 
in db4, otherwise slapd will not work.
So if i consult my spec file, this should work. Then you habe to rebuild 
slapd again with the new installed db4 lib.

Spec File:
--with-mutex="$mutex" \
--enable-pthreadsmutexes \



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