Kolab Horde and SyncML

Alessio Cecchi alessio at skye.it
Tue Sep 4 19:10:41 CEST 2007

Hello all

one of the big problem/benefits of a groupware, like Kolab, is to keep sync 
tha data (calendar, contacts, mail, ...) with the greater possible number of 
devices like PC Desktop, Notebook, mobile phone or palm, Webmail, etc etc.

For example, i have to keep sync my PC Desktop (KDE PIM), my notebook (KDE 
PIM), my mobile phone (Nokia Communicator 9500), and in emergency case i use 
the web with Horde in order to try a telephone number.

With the SyncML protocol i can make that!

Indirectly i can sync my nokia with kolab through SyncML, infact with the 
opensync tool http://www.opensync.org/ i can sync my KDE Kontact with the 
SyncML client that the phone have.

Also Horde is a SyncML client/server. And i sync my phone with horde.

Why not to use the horde SyncML support for sync Kolab with all devices that 
supports the SyncML protocol instaed of developing dedicate plugins? Or the 
opensynctool with KDE PIM (improvedi in KDE PIM Enterprise Branch?) ?

In the horde-groupware from horde.org SyncML work fine. But in the kolab by 
Gunnnar packages i'm not able to sync my phone with horde.

Why not improve the SyncML support for Kolab?

Funambol? In "only" a SyncML server!

Alessio Cecchi is:
@ ILS -> http://www.linux.it/~alessice/
Assistenza Sistemi GNU/Linux -> http://www.cecchi.biz/
@ PLUG -> Presidente, http://www.prato.linux.it

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