automated outlook configuration

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at
Thu Aug 24 12:32:30 CEST 2006


thanks a lot for publishing this!

All: Does somebody feel like adding a hint to the wiki as well?


Am Dienstag, 22. August 2006 17:57 schrieb Tobias Scherer:

> in regard of certain customer requests to make the configuration of
> Microsoft Outlook with Toltec Connector (kolabxml) as an UGS-Client
> (Univention Groupware Server, Kolab2 based) more easy two scripts were
> developed that are able to process this task without user interaction. As
> the customers should be able to easily edit the scripts for their own
> needs, the 'easy to learn' scripting-language Auto-It was choosen.
> ( To run Auto-It-scripts either an
> interpreter is needed or the scripts are compiled to *.exe files. This
> enables the scripts to get startet on systems without an interpreter.
> Both scripts (for MS-Outlook2000 and MS-Outlook2003) written by
> Univention are able to read the needed informations as e.g. username,
> e-mail address, passwort and servername from a configfile or a GUI. These
> informations are filled into the configuration dialogues of Outlook by
> simulating keystrokes. To avoid failures the windows aimed by
> the keystrokes are testet on existens by their names that have been
> determined before. If ,in any case, a wrong window gets a hit by the
> program it is necessary to revert the wrong actions or return an error.
> The scripts are tested on german Windows XP, Windows 2000 and
> Windows 2003 Server with their corresponding Outlook-Version (2000 or
> 2003). A .zip archive including the scripts and german instructions are
> available for download on 

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