automated outlook configuration

Tobias Scherer scherer at
Tue Aug 22 17:57:08 CEST 2006


in regard of certain customer requests to make the configuration of Microsoft 
Outlook with Toltec Connector (kolabxml) as an UGS-Client (Univention 
Groupware Server, Kolab2 based) more easy two scripts were
developed that are able to process this task without user interaction. As
the customers should be able to easily edit the scripts for their own
needs, the 'easy to learn' scripting-language Auto-It was choosen.
( To run Auto-It-scripts either an
interpreter is needed or the scripts are compiled to *.exe files. This
enables the scripts to get startet on systems without an interpreter.
Both scripts (for MS-Outlook2000 and MS-Outlook2003) written by
Univention are able to read the needed informations as e.g. username,
e-mail address, passwort and servername from a configfile or a GUI. These
informations are filled into the configuration dialogues of Outlook by 
simulating keystrokes. To avoid failures the windows aimed by
the keystrokes are testet on existens by their names that have been
determined before. If ,in any case, a wrong window gets a hit by the
program it is necessary to revert the wrong actions or return an error.
The scripts are tested on german Windows XP, Windows 2000 and
Windows 2003 Server with their corresponding Outlook-Version (2000 or
2003). A .zip archive including the scripts and german instructions are 
available for download on

Best regards

Tobias Scherer     <scherer at>       fon: +49 421 22 232- 0
Entwicklung        Linux for Your Business
Univention GmbH     fax: +49 421 22 232-99

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