[FreeBusy] Cant download: bind did not succeed

Jakob Roehrl jakob.roehrl at web.de
Sun Sep 11 12:51:10 CEST 2005

Hi Henning, 

> > If I turn "Allow unauthenticated downloading of Free/Busy
> > information" on, I get the same error.
> That's very strange. Did you use any other tool than the webadmin
> interface to modify the LDAP database? Did you make any manual
> modifications to the OpenLDAP or Apache configuration?

I made a lot of changes on the slapd.conf und that was root of the error, too. 

After searching the error 1h I added to slapd.conf 

Allow bind_v2

because of these slapdOutput:

slapd[11204]: conn=0 op=0 RESULT tag=97 err=2 text=historical protocol version requested, use LDAPv3 instead

and it worked. :]

Thanks for help!


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