personal opinion.....

Martin Konold martin.konold at
Sun Oct 30 11:45:52 CET 2005

Am Sonntag, 30. Oktober 2005 10:58 schrieb Scott Newton:


> > So what do you mean with "full imap support". Technically dIMAP is a
> > superset of IMAP not the other way...
> My understanding of cachedimap (which may well be wrong) is that the mail
> is stored in two places - on the server and on the client and they are
> synced

This "sync" term is unfortunately somewhat missleading but this subtle 
difference does not matter here.

> when the client is connected to the server. We were thinking of 
> something along the lines of a compressed linux image on a flash rom on the
> terminal and the user keeping their basic configuration data on a flash pen
> so it wouldn't matter which particular thin terminal they were logged on to
> rather than having, say, an NFS share for the configuration data. Under
> this scenario there wouldn't really be a client side to store the mail
> data.
> As I said, at the moment it's just an idea - I'm just trying to figure out
> if it is possible or not.

It looks to me like you got the basic architectural points mixed up. As 
mentioned before your concerns don't apply to a thin client setup as the 
_only_ thing users need to carry around in a thin client setup is their token 
to do authentification. This token might be a password, a smartcard or a 
physical piece of the body (e.g. iris scan).

The architecture you are describing is the old well understood client-server 
architecture not a thin client architecture.

Last but not least the Kolab data fits perfectly on uptodate USB sticks...

-- martin

Erlewein, Frank, Konold & Partner - Beratende Ingenieure und Physiker

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