[Kolab-devel] Re: OpenLDAP performance issues

Buchan Milne bgmilne at obsidian.co.za
Thu May 12 10:33:20 CEST 2005

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Martin Konold wrote:
> Am Montag, 9. Mai 2005 16:50 schrieb Bernhard Reiter:
> Hi Dieter,
>>>By adding a DB_CONFIG[1] file to /kolab/var/openldap/openldap-data and
>>>adding 'idlecachesize 3000' to slapd.conf performance of slapd could
>>>be increased.
>>We already have DB_CONFIG file in the upcoming server release.
>>It does not contain idecachesize, though.
> Can you please report your results for RC1? 
> How much better does the performance get with the RC1 settings?
> Can you propose better DB_CONFIG values?

BTW, these values can not be "better" for all setups, they are dependant on:
1)the amount of data
2)the available RAM

There are some guidelines on setting up the 'set_cachesize' option in
the FAQ-o-matic, I have attached a script, which makes recommendations
on the cache size. If you run it with -q, if it will output the
directory for the database, followed by either "ok" (if the cache size
looks reasonable) or a recommended string (if it is not sufficient).
Unfortunately, with the current LDAP database I have running, I couldn't
test all scenarios ... but it seems to work correctly.

The recommendation for "idlcachesize" is that it should be about 3 times
larger than "cachesize" (both of which should be in slapd.conf, not


- --
Buchan Milne                      Senior Support Technician
Obsidian Systems                  http://www.obsidian.co.za
B.Eng          RHCE (803004789010797),LPIC-1 (LPI000074592)
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