White List SpamAssassin

Thomas Arendsen Hein thomas at intevation.de
Tue Dec 6 15:04:37 CET 2005

* Rodrigo de Oliveira Gomes <akada at uol.com.br> [20051205 14:37]:
> How to make to create one whitlist of addresses of email in spamassassin using kolab 2.0.1, where is the configuration archives?

Since Kolab uses amavisd-new together with spamassassin, you should
configure the whitelist in
/kolab/etc/kolab/templates/amavisd.conf.template (Section V)

For reading the list from a file you can activate the following line:
# read_hash(\%whitelist_sender, '/kolab/var/amavisd/whitelist_sender');
(just create the file, remove the '#' character', run kolabconf)


Email: thomas at intevation.de

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