White List SpamAssassin
Andrea Soliva
soliva at comcept.ch
Tue Dec 6 09:44:32 CET 2005
for whitlisting in SpamAssassin modify the following file that it will
include the following:
# vi /kolab/etc/spamassassin/local.cf
## WHITE-LISTED SENDERS (the good guys):
#whitelist_from *.good-domain.net # This domain is safe
#whitelist_from *@goodguys.com # These guys are ok
#whitelist_from dudley.duright at mounties.ca # He never spams us
whitelist_from root at mydomain.ch
## WHITE-LISTED RECEIVERS (no scanning for SPAM):
#all_spam_to spam-lover at companymail1.com # He likes it
## BLACK-LISTED SENDERS (the bad guys):
#blacklist_from *@badguys.com # nasty outlaws
#blacklist_from *@casino-fun.* # we don't want any of
his stuff
blacklist_from *@anydomain.com
Do not forgett to restart all services with:
openpkg rc all restart
The command "kolabconf" is not neccessary because for local.cf there is no
templage existing at the moment etc. I hope it will solve you request.
kind regards
Andrea Soliva
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