Fwd: Re: cleanups and unique IDs.

Ira Abramov lists-kolab-users at ira.abramov.org
Tue Sep 7 18:26:25 CEST 2004

> The Kolab2 is in development,
> we are still hunting bugs like this.

good, in that case I'll uninstall and dowgrade I suppose.

> Kolab1 is quite different from Kolab2, the reason to wait for Kolab2
> are not stability though, but features.

but will there be an upgrade path? at the moment I'm tempted to try the
sme-server path (at contribs.org).

BTW, if anyone here has had good/bad experiance with sme-server, aka
e-smith and other names, I'll appreciate an off-list reply.


Ira Abramov

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