Success with Kolab snapshot on Debian "Sarge"

shaun connor shaun.connor at
Wed Sep 8 21:33:32 CEST 2004

It's nice to hear a success story every now and again amount the problems.

Debian 'Sarge' on an HP Proliant ML350 server.  Updated all libraries
with Apt-Get,  removed exim.  Cleaned out excess servicecs and
Installed Kolab snapshot with the obmtool, inital errors with make and
gcc which were resolved after making sure I had all of the correct
libraries.   Went through the installation with no issues, 
bootstrapped fine and is now running without issue. Using Outlook 2003
with the toltec connector.  Can send and recieve emails across the
domain and across the internet. Calendar sharing works perfect.  Still
configuring the Address Book but that isnt too important at the

Anyway,  thought I would share that although Kolab can be a PITA
sometimes it is pretty awesome when everything comes together and
works like you want it to.

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