replication of kolab servers

Martin Konold martin.konold at
Thu Oct 21 08:16:57 CEST 2004

Am Dienstag, 19. Oktober 2004 14:11 schrieb Stefan Kopetsch:

Hi Stefan,

> clustering kolab. is it possible to have kolab server replication?

Yes, we use replication for directory data already. Kolab 2 currently has 
built-in support for multi-location setups.

> it accesses it through this gateway. is it possible now to have several
> subservers across the subnet, which replicate each other through that
> gateway with the main server? i guess in commercial groupware solutions
> this feature is allready implemented ( for example ms exchange or lotus
> notes ). in this case i'm not talking about a real clustering solution but
> a replication service for all servers across the network.
> any suggestions?

Kolabl2 uses replication for directory data but not for the actual IMAP data. 
We consider the replication of IMAP data to be counter productive in most 

HA clustering of Kolab is a typical consulting project not subject to Kolab 2. 

I don't know which feature we will implement for Kolab 3 though ;-)

-- martin

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Erlewein, Frank, Konold & Partner - Beratende Ingenieure und Physiker

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