replication of kolab servers

Stefan Kopetsch Stefan.Kopetsch at
Tue Oct 19 14:11:26 CEST 2004

hi there...

i have a interesting question ( at least i hope so ). i've read about clustering kolab. is it possible to have kolab server replication? let's say there is a subnet existing. momentarily there is a gateway between a central mail server and the subnet. if a client wants to reach that server it accesses it through this gateway. is it possible now to have several subservers across the subnet, which replicate each other through that gateway with the main server? i guess in commercial groupware solutions this feature is allready implemented ( for example ms exchange or lotus notes ). in this case i'm not talking about a real clustering solution but a replication service for all servers across the network. 

any suggestions?

thanx and regards, stefan
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