Fetchmail and kolab

SOS-IT, remo waelti sosit at gmx.ch
Fri Nov 26 23:30:22 CET 2004

Hello everyone


I could just get kolab 1.0 running with debian 3.0.

I am extremly surprised everything went without trouble.

Also this solution seems to be very powerfull and I like this!!!


I do not want to waste your time with question. I was just looking for a
howto on using fetchmail with kolab and maby you have something there.


I am working as an IT and want to install and run kolab by my customers.


But I need to get kolab fetching emails from a internet pop3 account.


Also I do not know how to get Kolab/postfix sending email via smtp from a


Thank you for your help and I wish you a nice evenying.


I will try to get some more infos over the internet this night.




Remo Waelti

Basel, Switzerland


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