Kolab client integration

Cornelius Schumacher schumacher at kde.org
Fri Jul 9 20:35:08 CEST 2004

On Friday 09 July 2004 12:12, Bo Thorsen wrote:
> On Friday 09 July 2004 09:19, Cornelius Schumacher wrote:
> > On Friday 09 July 2004 00:57, Bradley Alexander wrote:
> > > Forgive me if this is in the documentation, but with KDE3.3 on
> > > the horizon, I was just wondering if the Kolab client will be
> > > fully integrated into the 3.3 applications?
> >
> > The short answer is: no.
> >
> > The slightly longer answer: There are certain essential things
> > missing like the setup wizard or the conflict resolution. In
> > addition to that I don't see any testing or bugfixing happening so
> > I would expect the Kolab client functionality in KDE 3.3 to be
> > broken.
> This is mail is pure FUD.

Really? Where is the wizard? Where is the conflict resolution? Who has 
tested the Kolab client functionality in the HEAD branch? Where are the 
bug reports? What bug fixes have you committed to the HEAD branch?

What currently is in the HEAD branch definitely is not fully integrated 
Kolab client functionality.

> KDE 3.3 will have a fully working kontact client. Anything that does
> not currently work, is a bug that I need to know about.

Who is testing the Kolab functionality and to what extent? I saw so many 
potential problems in the code when fixing problems in the groupware 
parts in the last couple of weeks that I really doubt that it actually 
works. You should also have a look at the KDE Bugzilla. There are a lot 
of problems which also affect the Kolab client.

> And a setup wizard is only a nice-to-have, not even close to being
> essential (and Daniel started working on it now, btw).

Nobody will be able to correctly set up the Kolab client functionality 
without a wizard. This beast is much too complex. If you don't care 
about usability you might say that it isn't essential, but that isn't 
the way KDE usually works and it certainly is something you have to 
integrate before you honestly can say that the Kolab client is _fully_ 

> But thanks for reminding me about the conflicts, I'll go kick the guy
> I asked to implement this.

Tobias is working on a conflict resolution GUI for KitchenSync. This can 
probably be reused for the Kontact conflict resolution.

Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher at kde.org>

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