Kolab client integration

Bo Thorsen bo at sonofthor.dk
Fri Jul 9 12:12:18 CEST 2004

On Friday 09 July 2004 09:19, Cornelius Schumacher wrote:
> On Friday 09 July 2004 00:57, Bradley Alexander wrote:
> > Forgive me if this is in the documentation, but with KDE3.3 on the
> > horizon, I was just wondering if the Kolab client will be fully
> > integrated into the 3.3 applications?
> The short answer is: no.
> The slightly longer answer: There are certain essential things missing like
> the setup wizard or the conflict resolution. In addition to that I don't
> see any testing or bugfixing happening so I would expect the Kolab client
> functionality in KDE 3.3 to be broken.

This is mail is pure FUD.

KDE 3.3 will have a fully working kontact client. Anything that does not 
currently work, is a bug that I need to know about.

And a setup wizard is only a nice-to-have, not even close to being essential 
(and Daniel started working on it now, btw).

But thanks for reminding me about the conflicts, I'll go kick the guy I asked 
to implement this.



     Bo Thorsen                 |   Praestevejen 4
     Senior Software Engineer   |   5290 Marslev
     Klaralvdalens Datakonsult  |   Denmark

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