imap name folder translation

Martin Konold martin.konold at
Tue Aug 15 20:58:44 CEST 2006

Am Dienstag, 15. August 2006 13:53 schrieb Bernhard Reiter:

Hi Bernhard,

> > For me imap folder translation is currently a low priority topic. (nice
> > to have though)
> I agree it is a low priority.
> I am unsure what the real use cases for it are, though.

> The contents of the folders need to be understood by all readers
> of the folders, thus they must read and understand the language used.

Imagine messages with several attachments offering different translations. 
E.g. an enterprise bulletin board kind of usage scenario offering languages 
like Chinese, Hebrew, Arabic, German and English. Typical contents could be 
official global management announcments like corporate identity statements 

> The contents will be more difficult than the folder name,
> so why not just have each client display the folder name as is?

Because we already have mime attachments which can deal with this issue on the 
message level but we don't have a solution on the folder level sofar.

BTW: Does anyone know how the calendar folder is spelled in the chinese 
version of OL?

-- martin

Erlewein, Frank, Konold & Partner - Beratende Ingenieure und Physiker

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