[Kolab-devel] Roundcube 0.8.1 on Kolab 2.4

Thomas BrĂ¼derli bruederli at kolabsys.com
Sat Oct 20 18:36:11 CEST 2012

Henne Holly wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm nearly through configuring roundcube for kolab 2.4. Few things left.
> Maybe those errors are related to each other...
> 1. If I use kolab_auth or ldap_authentication plugin I always geht the
> message from roundcube that it could not contact my ldap server (-> bind
> failed). In the virtual machine I found a file
> /etc/roundcubemail/kolab.inc.php which I do not have on my installation.
> It contained ldap-config variables for php. Do I need that or what do I
> miss?

That most likely has to be symlinked into
> 2. In Calendars I have no calendar to choose nor is it possible to
> create one though I configured "kolab" as calendar driver. Where are
> calendars actually stored within kolab? IMAP?

Make sure you create a config file for the calendar plugin in
<roundcuberoot>/plugins/calendar/config.inc.php which at least contains
  $rcmail_config['calendar_driver'] = "kolab";

Just copy the config.inc.php.dist in the same folder.

Otherwise the calendar plugin will try to store calendars end events in the
local SQL database.


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