[Kolab-devel] universal inbox? outlook outgoing transport

Bernhard Herzog bh at intevation.de
Tue Oct 26 18:01:22 CEST 2004

Bernhard Reiter <bernhard at intevation.de> writes:

> 	a) sieve to on the server to transport spool(inbox) to mailbox(inbox)
> 	then there is nothing to download via pop
> 	(a.1 if done it would need to be one sieve script, affecting
> 	all other sieve scripts that Kolab webadmin and KDE client can handle.)
> 	(a.2 imap move cannot do a move like spool(inbox) -> mailbox(inbox)
> 	so it is not an option.)

Another variant of this (from Bernhard Reiter via Phone): Instead of
using sieve, extend the resource handler to put all normal mail into the
mailbox.  This would avoid potential problems with clients manipulating
the sieve scripts for other purposes such as vacation mails.


Intevation GmbH                                 http://intevation.de/
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