LDAP : Too much connexions ...

Martin Konold martin.konold at erfrakon.de
Mon Jan 10 19:23:45 CET 2005

Am Montag, 10. Januar 2005 11:25 schrieb Michael Harlaut:

Hi Michael,

> >echo "idletimeout     1" >>
> > 	/kolab/etc/kolab/templates/slapd.conf.template
> Unfortunatly the result is exactly the same.

Ok, this is not that bad. It tells me that we must solve the issue on the 
imapd side.

> The connections are released (a little) faster than before, but not
> enought to avoid the socket lack.

Wow this is interesting. It looks like OE does many authetifications within 
the same session unnecessarily.

I will come up with a src.rpm for testing.

-- martin

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