changes in addressbook

Mihai Badici mihai at
Mon Feb 5 09:14:18 UTC 2024

I started a new test build for roundcube with kolab plugins just to 
refresh my existing template. I used the current master branch for 
roundcube and the same for kolab repos.

I encountered two new issues till now, I will wrote 2 mails to keep them 

In kolab_addressbook, I had this fatal error:

Declaration of kolab_contacts::set_search_set($filter) must be 
compatible with rcube_addressbook::set_search_set($filter): void


Declaration of kolab_contacts::reset() must be compatible with 

It looks like there is a recent change in roundcube addressbook which 
declare set_search_set and reset functions as void. This is not 
reflected in kolab_contacts. I fixed it adding : void to kolab_contacts 

Honestly I don't see any big advantage to declare them void but maybe 
the explicit type will be enforced in php or can be other reasons for that.

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