Fwd: Update Kolab16 on Debian 10 broken? still broken?

hede kolab983 at der-he.de
Fri Aug 19 15:46:16 CEST 2022

Hello Matthias,

Am 17.08.2022 21:03, schrieb Matthias Busch:
> thanks for replies!

sorry for my late reply now :-(

> [...]
> @hede
> how do you propose to remove roundcube so I can install the new version
> without it all breaking apt / dependencies of kolab?

it maybe breaks, but that's typically not a problem if things get fixed 

> (see my last logfile, it tries to remove and breaks everything)
> I am not too stupid with debian, but with this very, highly integrated,
> package dependency mess, I am too far out of the water...

I do not remember my solution but as far as I can see in the backups of 
my .bash_history the following was done that day (an excerpt, there were 
other non-related activity in it ;-) )

apt update
apt upgrade
apt --fix-broken install
dpkg -r roundcubemail-core roundcubemail-plugin-enigma 
roundcubemail-plugin-kolab-auth roundcubemail-plugin-kolab-delegation 
roundcubemail-skin-chameleon roundcubemail-skin-kolab  roundcubemail
dpkg -r roundcubemail-core roundcubemail-plugin-enigma 
roundcubemail-plugin-kolab-auth roundcubemail-plugin-kolab-delegation 
roundcubemail-skin-chameleon roundcubemail-skin-kolab  roundcubemail
dpkg -r roundcubemail-core
vim /usr/local/bin/reload_apache
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/reload_apache
dpkg -r roundcubemail-core
apt --fix-broken install
apt search roundcubemail
dpkg -s roundcubemail
dpkg -r roundcubemail
apt install roundcubemail
systemctl reload apache2

The thing is, you don't need most of that. I think the first "fix-broken 
install" was just an attempt that didn't work. And I don't remember why 
I ran the "dpkg -r" multiple times. Maybe I did answer some question 
wrong for the first time. The fix for reload-apache is an old bug in the 
prerm script of roundcube-core. You are also hit by it:
## your log ##
/var/lib/dpkg/info/roundcubemail-core.prerm: 11: 
/var/lib/dpkg/info/roundcubemail-core.prerm: reload_apache: not found

The content of the file is (yep, it's dump but it works):

###### /usr/local/bin/reload_apache #####

# dummy reload_apache in case it doesn't exist, bug in kolab debian 

[ -e /usr/sbin/reload_apache ] && /usr/sbin/reload_apache "$@"
[ -e /sbin/reload_apache ] && /sbin/reload_apache "$@"
[ -e /usr/bin/reload_apache ] && /usr/bin/reload_apache "$@"
[ -e /bin/reload_apache ] && /bin/reload_apache "$@"

exit 0

You just have to create it and make it executable or - alternatively - 
change the prerm-script.

The good news is: There wasn't any bad dpkg-hack as far as I can see. No 
force-delete or manually deleting files. Or I do not remember... 

But probably you already resolved your problem. !? hopefully !?


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