Problems with Webserver

Jochen May jochen at
Mon Apr 12 20:50:31 CEST 2021


for a couple of days i get sometimes a HTTP 500 error when i try to sync 
via Caldav and Davx on my android phone. But the access to the webmail 
system was working.
After a today update and reboot of the server i even can not access the 
webmail system - i get straight a HTTP 500 error. In the error.log from 
roundcube i found this [1]. Could this the problem and if yes, how can i 
fix it?

Thanks and Regards

[12-Apr-2021 20:44:40 Europe/Berlin] PHP Fatal error:  Can't use 
function return value in write context in 
/usr/share/roundcubemail/plugins/calendar/calendar.php on line 862

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