Kolab Now vs Kolab groupware

Geoff Nordli geoffn at gnaa.net
Sat Jan 4 17:11:43 CET 2020

On 2020-01-04 3:34 a.m., marko wrote:
> On Saturday, 4 January 2020 4:23:13 PM AEDT Geoff Nordli wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I am actually a current user of Kolab.   I have been running it just as
>> a mail server the last couple of years.  I am looking at seeing what
>> else it can do on the groupware side of things.
>> Would you say everything that Kolab now can do, Kolab can do; except for
>> the collabora components?   I am looking at the contacts and calendaring
>> side of things.
>> Outlook 2013 or greater works well as a client with ActiveSync? Or maybe
>> people are using IMAP for the mail component and ActiveSync for
>> calendar/contacts.
>> thanks,
>> Geoff
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> Hi Geoff,
> you have got the roundcube web mail at your.kolab.install/roundcubemail  which
> surfaces all the groupware functionality + mail.  That will show what is
> possible.
> ActiveSync has some limitations on number of calendars I think, but it's been
> while since I tried.  I had a lot of trouble with earlier outlooks and the
> binyari connector and gave up on outlook.
> There is also Lightning add-on to Thunderbird, but I have not explored it
> fully.
> I used ActiveSync on android at first but now use a CalDav connector.
> Overall I currently use Kontact as desktop, roundcubemail via web and CalDav/
> imap on Android and I'm happy with the result.
> cheers
> Marko

Hi Marko.

Yes, I deployed the bynari connector several years ago too.    If that 
connector would have worked Kolab would have been really good.

Roundcube looks good.

Are people actually having success now with Outlook?  What are the 
limitations?  I have seen some posts about calendaring limitations too.

What about Thunderbird+Lightning?

Is Kolab Now the same as Kolab, minus Collabora?

When you go on Reddit and search for hosted email there is a lot of love 
for iredmail, mail-in-a-box, mailcow, etc..   Almost zero love for 
Kolab.  I know there are a lot of people using kolab and the lack of 
activity on the mailing list probably means it is working well for them.



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