Kolab on debian 10

Valentin Laskov laskov at festa.bg
Wed Apr 15 10:35:59 CEST 2020


imapd on port 9993 accepts imaps protocol

Check for

     imap        cmd="imapd"     listen="xxxxxxxxx"     prefork=1

line in /etc/cyrus.conf and if missing add for example this way

     imap        cmd="imapd"     listen="" prefork=1

Restart cyrus-imapd and try your command this way

cyradm -u cyrus-admin localhost -p 144

If you have such line in cyrus.conf use the port in this line.


На 14.04.20 г. в 11:57 ч., Gelpi Andrea написа:
> Hi,
> 	I installed kolab on a fresh debian 10 vm.
> I followed the documentation in docs.kolab.org.
> I followed the docs for multi domain configuration and to secure the system.
> I'm using Letsencrypt certificates.
> I bumped in some problems, but one I'm not able to solve.
> When I use:
> cyradm -u cyrus-admim localhost
> The command hangs
> cyradm -u cyrus-admin localhost -p 9993
> The command asks for the password and then ends.
> In the log I found:
> imaps[2655]: wrong version number in SSL_accept() -> fail
> Apr 14 10:35:38 posta imaps[2655]: imaps TLS negotiation failed:
> localhost []
> In imapd.conf I have:
> tls_server_cert:    /etc/letsencrypt/live/HOST_NAME/fullchain.pem
> tls_server_key:     /etc/letsencrypt/live/HOST_NAME/privkey.pem
> In guam config I have:
> tls_config, [
>       { certfile, "/etc/letsencrypt/live/HOST_NAME/fullchain.pem" },
>       { keyfile, "/etc/letsencrypt/live/HOST_NAME/privkey.pem" },
>       { cacertfile, "/etc/letsencrypt/live/HOST_NAME/chain.pem" }
>    ]
> In two places.
> Anyway I can access mailboxes via roundcube
> Postif sends messages to mailboxes via lmtp
> kolab lm works as expected.
> How can I diagnose the problem and how can I solve it?
> Thanks in advance.

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